Tuesday, November 29, 2011

PHP to Write Binary Data (or Array Data) to a File using Pack Function

Writing the Binary Data directly using PHP's Pack() function:

// Write Binary Data
$bin_data = pack("C*", 0x47, 0x49, 0x46);

$fp = fopen("c://test.bin", 'wb'); // replace with your filename
// (please also check file permission before write)
fwrite($fp, $bin_data);

Writing the Binary Data from an Array (if the data length is too long):

// Write Binary Data
$bin_data_array = array(0x47, 0x49, 0x46, .....................................);

foreach ($bin_data_array as $data) {

$bin_data .= pack("C", $data);


$fp = fopen("c://test.bin", 'wb'); // replace with your filename
// (please also check file permission before write)
fwrite($fp, $bin_data);

This WON'T work:

// Write Binary Data
$bin_data_array = array(0x47, 0x49, 0x46, .....................................);

$bin_data = pack("C*", $bin_data_array);

$fp = fopen("c://test.bin", 'wb'); // replace with your filename
//(please also check file permission before write)
fwrite($fp, $bin_data);

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